Appendix B: 504 Transition Plan
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provides for equal opportunity to enter facilities and participate in programs and activities. It does not require that every part of every facility or program be accessible. The important considerations are that people with disabilities have the same opportunities in employment, the same opportunities to enter and move around in facilities, the same opportunities to communicate, and the same opportunities to participate in programs and activities as their peers.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in three key areas. Employment (Title I), State and local government services (Title II) and places of public accommodation and commercial facilities (Title III). The ADA expands upon the requirements of Section 504 by applying them to all activities of state and local governments under Title II and to places of public accommodation and commercial facilities under Title III. Both Title II and Title III went into effect on January 26, 1992. The ADA's accessibility requirements for places of public accommodation and state and local governments are largely based on and align with the requirements of Section 504. This means that individuals with disabilities have similar rights and protections under both laws.
UT Austin's work on accessibility started before the passage of the ADA, when UT Austin completed its first transition plan in response to the regulations implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. In 1977, UT Austin began surveying the campus to identify the breadth and scope of the work to bring UT Austin into compliance with 504 standards.
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Transition Plan Resources (EID Required)
Transition Plan-2020
This document is an archival version and is superseded by the Transition Plan-2025. Please refer to the current version for up-to-date information.
Contact Us
Contact Institutional Accessibility and Accommodation via email at or submit the contact form.
Dr. Jennifer Maedgen
Associate Vice President
ADA/Section 504/PWFA/EIR Coordinator
Report a Barrier
We want to know about any physical barriers you may encounter on your journey through campus. Use our form to report a barrier so we can review and create an action plan.