Campus Security Authorities


What is a campus security authority?

A campus security authority (CSA) is a type of mandatory reporter defined by federal law. When a CSA witnesses or receives a report of a crime, the CSA is required to promptly report the incident to UTPD, the Title IX Office, or the Clery Compliance Manager. By providing such information, CSAs help ensure that appropriate action can be taken in response to criminal incidents, that the campus community remains informed, and that individuals affected by crime have access to the support and resources they deserve.

CSAs do not need to investigate a crime but simply need to report information in an accurate and timely manner as our institution has a responsibility to notify the campus community about crimes that pose a serious or ongoing threat to the community.

Who is a campus security authority?

The designation of campus security authority includes:

  1. A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution.
  2. Any individual who has responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department, such as an individual who is responsible for monitoring entrance into institutional property.
  3. Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
  4. An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings.

Examples of campus security authorities include but are not limited to:

  • All members of the University of Texas Police Department
  • Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, and Title IX liaisons
  • Resident Assistants and Community Coordinators
  • Coaches and athletic trainers
  • Front desk receptionists responsible for limiting access to buildings or areas
  • Building Managers and those with the ability to access buildings or rooms for others
  • Ombudspersons
  • Anyone supervising students outside of a classroom environment, including:
    • Student worker supervisors
    • Faculty or staff advisors to student groups/organizations
    • Individuals traveling with students domestically or overseas
  • Individuals who investigate and adjudicate student or employee conduct matters
  • Student/Victim Advocates
  • Workers with the Behavioral & COVID-19 Concerns Advise Line (BCCAL)
  • Director of University Health Services and Counseling and Mental Health Services
  • Anyone to whom a department or the University instructs individuals to report crimes

Faculty members who only teach and have no other duties do not need to be classified as CSAs. However, anyone who has significant responsibility for student activities and/or campus activities is considered a CSA.

The only individuals that are expressly exempt from being CSAs under the Clery Act are professional or pastoral counselors while operating within the scope of their license. However, UT Austin does collect reportable crimes for inclusion in our annual report from the Counseling and Mental Health Center, as well as from University Health Services. The reports received from these areas do not contain any identifying information regarding the victims or reporting party, as that information is not required for Clery Act compliance.

Why am I a campus security authority?

You were identified by a school, department, organization, or program as meeting the definition of a campus security authority. CSAs are identified and notified each semester in order to ensure they know how to report Clery Act crimes of which they become aware.

Your role as a CSA is important not only because it is a federal obligation, but also because you are in a position in which someone is likely to come to you with such information and trusts you will be able to provide them with helpful guidance and direction.

Where to Report

You may report any crime information you receive directly to the University Police Department (UTPD).

Sex offenses, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking must be reported to Title IX. Survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking must be provided with written information on their rights and options, which the Title IX Office will ensure happens. The Title IX website also has helpful information, support, and resources for CSAs.

You may also use the Campus Security Authority Reporting Form to report crime directly to the Clery Compliance Manager.

If you are unsure for any reason whether an incident should reported, please report the incident. When in doubt, report.

If you need assistance reporting an incident, you may reach out to one of UT Austin's Clery Coordinators.

Clery Coordinators

Loren Galloway Bowans, Clery Compliance Manager | 512-471-8198 |

Jeff Graves, Chief Compliance Officer | 512-232-3721 |