Policy Place News

Updates to policies in the UT Austin Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP), including newly added, revised, and retired/removed or merged policies. A list of retired, removed, or merged HOP policies is also available at the bottom of the page.

Revisions to: HOP 9-1520 Texas Student Media Trust

Aug. 26, 2024
This policy is being revised as the previous version had not been updated since 1982. The updates will reflect current university practice.

Revisions to: HOP 5-2420 Policies and Procedures for Discipline and Dismissal of Employees

Aug. 21, 2024
This policy is being updated as the current policy has not been updated since September 1, 1992, and the language in the current policy is outdated. In addition, the termination appeal process is being streamlined to make it more accessible to separated employees. The scope of the policy is being refined, processes have been aligned with HOP 3-3031 and clearer language for the processes governed by the policy has been provided.

Retired Policy: HOP 9-1320-PM Policy for the Implementation of the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act

Aug. 21, 2024
This policy is being retired as it is redundant and the information is contained in the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, published each year on or before October 1.

New Policy: HOP 9-2060 Learning Facilitators

Aug. 21, 2024
This policy has been developed to allow graduate students enrolled in a non-formula-funded (Option III) programs to be appointed to provide course support for online, non-formula-funded courses and programs.

Revisions to: HOP 7-1040 Sponsored Projects

July 17, 2024
This policy is being revised to provide a more robust description of the overarching requirements around managing sponsored projects. Through an expanded description of the policies and responsibilities, including detailed definitions, the University research community will have a core resource to guide administration of grants.

Revisions to: HOP 2-2010 Faculty Titles

July 17, 2024
This policy is being revised to incorporate updated language in order to align with the requirements of SB 18.

New Policy: HOP 2-9980 Undergraduate Curriculum Governance & Management

July 17, 2024
This policy was developed in collaboration with Faculty Council and the Provost’s Office to clarify the process of undergraduate curricular review and approval that has been delegated to Undergraduate College.

Revisions to: HOP 7-1010 Effort Certification/Salary Compensation Reports

July 17, 2024
This policy is being revised as Effort Certification is no longer being required with Uniform Guidance. The new guidance indicates the requirement to confirm that effort proposed on a project is what a PI contributes. The removal of “certification” allows UT to use this new process that takes away the administrative burden of “certifying”.

Revisions to: HOP 2-2160 Promotion and Tenure Review

July 17, 2024
This policy is being revised to focus on Promotion and Tenure and to ensure that the policy reflects current practice, including compliance with SB 18. Other components of the existing policy (faculty compensation, renewal of appointment, etc.) are addressed in other areas.

Retired Policy: HOP 4-1210 Texas Union

July 10, 2024
This policy is being retired as the information it is already contained in the General Information Catalog Appendix L. The GIC is reviewed annually by the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs.

Retired, Removed or Merged HOP Policies

Can't find the policy you're looking for?

This table alphabetically lists retired HOP policies and policy memoranda.

If you have any questions about these former policies, please contact the Policy Office.

Policy NumberPrevious Policy NumberPolicy TitleRetirement Date
HOP 9-1220HOP 3.23Adding Courses After End of Registration10/15/18
HOP 5-1010HOP 9.71Advertising for Recruitment Purposes5/3/23
HOP 8-1220HOP 10.8Assembly Rooms and Exits1/12/14
HOP 9-1210HOP 4.05Availability of Coursework to Students10/15/18
HOP 5-3010HOP 9.23Beginning Rates for Classified Employees3/10/20
HOP 8-9999HOP 2.A.4Campus Meetings and Political Information10/15/18
HOP 3-9993HOP 10.A.1Centralization of Design Services Purchasing7/24/12
HOP 3-9998HOP 6.27Charge for Computation Center Services8/29/13
HOP 5-9991HOP 9.14Classified Position Descriptions and Their Interpretation3/10/20
HOP 8-9998HOP 10.4.25Compressed Gases8/25/12
HOP 5-3040HOP 9.26Computation of Hourly Rates, Pay for Partial Month of Service, and Payment of Unused Vacation3/10/20
HOP 8-1240HOP 10.03Departmental Codes and Committees1/12/14
HOP 8-9994HOP 10.4.27Disposal of Dangerous or Hazardous Materials8/25/12
HOP 5-5110HOP 2.A.1Emergency Closure Notification8/29/13
HOP 5-5010 HOP 7.D.1Employee Length of Service Recognition5/3/23
HOP 5-9981HOP 9.81Employment Under Grants and Research Contracts5/3/23
HOP 9-1110HOP 4.01Fellowship and Scholarship Appointment Forms12/19/12
HOP 2-3110HOP 3.22Final Examinations10/15/18
HOP 8-9995HOP 10.1.2Fire Code Administration8/25/12
HOP 8-1210HOP 10.1.1Fire Code General8/25/12
HOP 8-9996HOP 10.4.23Flammable and Combustible Liquids - Fuels and Lubricants8/25/12
HOP 8-9997HOP 10.3.16Flammable Finishes and Finishing Equipment8/25/12
HOP 8-1360HOP 10.3.18Fumigation and Thermal Insecticide Fogging1/12/14
HOP 8-1310HOP 10.2.11Garages1/12/14
HOP 5-9997HOP 9.19General Policy Personnel3/10/20
HOP 3-1150HOP 6.17General Principles and Guidelines for the Printing of Stationery12/19/12
HOP 5-9996HOP 9.13General Provisions3/10/20
HOP 8-9991HOP 10.1.4General Regulations Regarding Fire Prevention8/25/12
HOP 9-1810 Hate and Bias Incidents4/5/21
HOP 8-9992HOP 10.4.26Hazardous Chemicals8/25/12
HOP 5-1120HOP 7.18Immigration Documents; Exchange - Visitor Program10/15/18
HOP 5-1130HOP 9.42Immigration Reform and Control Act of 19865/3/23
HOP 5-20104.A.4Individual Conflicts of Interest6/20/22
HOP 3-4010HOP 4.06Intercollegiate Athletics Council for Men4/8/19
HOP 3-4020HOP 4.07Intercollegiate Athletics Council for Women4/8/19
HOP 3-1020HOP 1.C.5Internal Audit Office Charter4/22/19
HOP 8-9993HOP 10.2.10Laboratories8/25/12
HOP 8-1320HOP 10.12Lumber Yards and Woodworking Plants1/12/14
HOP 5-3030HOP 9.21Maintenance of Pay Plan3/10/20
HOP 5-9998HOP 7.13Memorial Book Fund5/17/13
HOP 5-3110HOP 9.24Merit Salary Policy for Classified Employees3/10/20
HOP 8-1230HOP 10.09New Construction1/12/14
HOP 5-9982 HOP 9.79Orientation5/3/23
HOP 7-9999HOP 5.05Organized Research Units7/24/12
HOP 5-2270HOP 9.91Outside Employment Activities of Classified Staff6/20/22
HOP 8-1330HOP 10.19Ovens, Furnaces, Kilns, & Other Heat Treating Devices1/12/14
HOP 5-9989HOP 9.27Pay Adjustments in Transfers and Promotions3/10/20
HOP 5-9990HOP 9.25Pay for Part-time Employment3/10/20
HOP 5-9988HOP 9.22Pay Ranges8/29/13
HOP 2-2410HOP 3.06Phased Retirement for Tenured Faculty2/13/24
HOP 4-9994HOP 7.27Policies Regarding Courtesy Cars - Intercollegiate Athletics for Men and Women3/3/21
HOP 8-1410HOP 6.12Preparation, Sale, or Distribution of Food and Beverages1/12/14
HOP 8-1350HOP 10.24Prevention of Dust Explosions1/12/14
HOP 2-9999HOP 3.08Privileges of Postdoctoral Fellows7/24/12
HOP 3-1140HOP 5.02Publication of Symposia5/13/20
HOP 3-1130HOP 5.01Publications Owned by the University of Texas at Austin4/27/23
HOP 5-9980 HOP 9.70Recruitment Services of Human Resources5/3/23
HOP 3-9999HOP 5.20Reinvestment of Endowment Earnings7/24/12
HOP 3-9989HOP 5.03Reprints of Articles Published by Staff Members7/24/12
HOP 5-9983HOP 9.47Separations12/19/12
HOP 3-3030HOP 4.B.2Sexual Discrimination and Sex Harassment (refer to 3-3031)7/1/2015
HOP 3-3040HOP 4.A.3Sexual Misconduct (refer to 3-3031)7/1/2015
HOP 5-9985 HOP 9.57Sign‐up Policy5/3/23
HOP 5-9984HOP 9.57Special University Activities8/29/13
HOP 9-1410HOP 6.08Student Travel Policy7-10-24
HOP 4-1210HOP 6.08Texas Union7/10/24
HOP 5-3050HOP 9.20The compensation Plan3/10/20
HOP 5-9994HOP 9.03The Director, Office of Personnel Services and Employee Relations8/29/13
HOP 5-9993HOP 9.02The Personnel Policy of The University of Texas at Austin5/3/23
HOP 5-5210HOP 7.24University Sponsored and Operated Summer Camps5/1/14
HOP 4-1280HOP 6.06Use of Outdoor Public Areas of the Campus7/8/24
HOP 4-1220HOP 6.10Use of the Texas Student Union10/17/17
HOP 8-1340HOP 10.17Welding or Cutting, Electric, Acetylene or Other1/12/14


PM NumberPrevious PM NumberPolicy Memoranda TitleRetirement Date
2-9992-PMPM 3.125Academic Appointments, Routing of Personnel Forms, and Request for Transfer of Funds8/25/12
6-9998-PMPM 6.301Acquisition of Computer and Computer-Related Equipment and Services7/24/12
3-9991-PMPM 6.502Advertising of Instructional Programs and Course Offerings9/16/19
3-9996-PMPM 6.305Charges Made for Use of Reproducing Machines7/24/12
9-1310-PMPM 4.140Charter for the Office of the Student Ombuds12/19/17
3-2010-PMPM 7.125Delegation of Authority to Sign5/1/14
3-9994-PMPM 6.505Electronic Campus-Wide Events Calendar (*EVENTS)5/1/14
2-9991-PMPM 3.110Faculty Recruiting Deadline, Appointment Offers, Acceptances, and Declinations12/19/12
4-9995-PMPM 5.103Film Program Policy8/25/12
9-9994-PMPM 8.203General Policy Guideline Statement for Tuition Remission5/13/20
3-1160-PMPM 6.504General Principles and Guidelines for the Printing of Stationery12/19/12
4-9997-PMPM 7.601Guidelines for Drivers of University-Owned Vehicles and Maintenance of University Owned Vehicles8/25/12
3-9990-PMPM 6.401Institutional Data - Office of Institutional Studies8/25/12
3-1230-PMPM 5.401Institutional Memberships and Dues for Professional Organizations12/19/12
2-3020-PMPM 5.201International Programs10/15/18
4-1020-PMPM 6.201Keys to University Facilities3/9/20
9-1230-PMPM 3.220Laboratory, Supplemental, Incidental, and Computing Required Course Fees12/19/12
9-9993-PMPM 6.601Legal Services for Students8/25/12
6-9999-PMPM 6.300Microcomputing Software Copyright Policy7/24/12
2-9997-PMPM 3.101Minimum Faculty Teaching Requirements12/19/12
2-9998-PMPM 3.201No Class Days and Final Examination Periods12/19/12
3-2030-PMPM 6.315Noncash Gifts8/29/13
9-1320-PMPM 4.130Policy for the Implementation of the Student Right-To- Know and Campus Security Act8/21/24
4-9998-PMPM 6.110Policy Guidelines for University Related Travel by Motor Vehicle8/29/13
3-9995-PMPM 7.205Procedure Regarding Payment for Professional Services Such as Consultants and Speakers8/31/12
2-3010-PMPM 3.150Program to Assess, Certify and Improve English Proficiency of Faculty12/19/12
9-1330-PMPM 4.121Prohibition of Student Harassment3/22/16
2-9989-PMPM 3.127Recruitment to Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Position12/19/12
3-9997-PMPM 6.303Reporting Cash Shortages, Overages and Losses7/24/12
3-9992-PMPM 7.305Representing the University12/19/12
2-9990-PMPM 3.130Required Interviews with Candidates for Faculty Positions12/19/12
2-9995-PMPM 3.95Restrictions on Sale of Classroom/Instructional Materials to Students6/29/21
2-9996-PMPM 3.210Restrictions on Use of Textbooks and Other Materials6/29/21
2-1210-PMPM 1.201Rules and By-Laws of the Graduate Assembly3/23/21
2-9987-PMPM 3.117Salary Payment Plan for Academic Appointments8/25/12
2-9988-PMPM 3.115Salary Policy for Individuals, Holding both Faculty and Administrative Appointments12/19/12
5-9992-PMPM 7.201Salary Rates: Increases and Changes8/29/13
5-9986-PMPM 7.501Security-Sensitive Positions8/29/13
2-9986-PMPM 3.120Signatures Required on Faculty Appointment Change of Status Forms8/25/12
4-9996-PMPM 6.207Soft Drinks in Campus Buildings8/25/12
9-1340-PMPM 4.120Student Policy on Race Relations5/5/17
2-2993-PMPM 3.203The Faculty Member's Classroom Obligations8/29/13
4-1270-PMPM 6.107Use of Student Health Center and Campus Recreational Facilities by Members of Workshops, Seminars, Institutes and Other Short-Term Activities7/10/24
4-1260-PMPM 6.104Use of Thompson Conference Center and Lyndon Baines Johnson Auditorium4/7/21
4-1310-PMPM 6.205Vending Machines on Campus1/12/14
5-1110-PMPM 7.104Verification of Identity and United States Employment Authorization for all Employees5/3/23
4-9999-PMPM 6.108Workshops, Conferences, Symposia11/13/23
2-9994-PMPM 3.140Work Toward an Advanced Degree by Faculty Members12/19/12