Compliance and Ethics Hotline

The University of Texas at Austin cultivates remarkable achievements for the benefit of society — in teaching, research, health care, public service and beyond. Yet, at times, the university’s collective brilliance could be undermined by individual ethical lapses or uncertainty and a lack of action on how to best address a situation.

If something doesn't seem lawful, is against policy, or is just not quite right, please bring attention to it. Notify departmental supervisors, other management, or use the University's Compliance and Ethics Hotline to report your concern.

Reporting options:

Anonymous reporting is available. UT policy prohibits retaliation against an individual who in good faith reports or provides information about concerns or suspected violations.

UT takes every report we receive seriously, however, we are not a 911 or emergency service. Please contact your local emergency services if you need to report a critical situation. UT's ability to respond to your report depends on the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide. When submitting a report please be sure to include as much information as possible.


Compliance and Ethics Hotline FAQs


Who manages the hotline?

The Compliance and Ethics Hotline is managed by a third party company called Connects Standard / Lighthouse Services. Connects Standard / Lighthouse Services' web reporting system is available 24/7, and is a confidential and anonymous solution for reporting illegal and unethical activities in the work place.

Confidentiality when using Connects Standard / Lighthouse Services- You can choose to provide your name or remain anonymous. However you choose to report, you will be given a case number which you can reference later for updates on your concern or to provide further details.

What happens to a concern or inquiry once I've reported it?

Concerns are sent from Connects Standard / Lighthouse Services to UT's University Risk and Compliance Services (URCS). URCS will review the concern with the hotline triage team, which consists of senior leadership from: URCS, Legal Affairs, Internal Audit, and Human Resources. The triage team will determine next steps and which designated office(s) would be the most appropriate to investigate. URCS will coordinate the forwarding and tracking of the concern, up to resolution.

External Reporting Options

You may also report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse to the Texas State Auditor’s Office.

Other Resources to report or discuss concerns:


Call 911 if you or someone else is in immediate danger

Report Violence, Misconduct, Harassment, or Discrimination

UT provides multiple resources to hear and address concerns and inquiries

Conflict Management and Dispute Resolution Office - HR

Options for conflict resolution that are party-driven, restorative, and focused on interest- and needs-based problem solving

Office of Internal Audits

If you have knowledge or suspicion of fraud, or other potential financial misconduct

Office of the Dean of Students

Report an incident related to student conduct and academic integrity

Research Misconduct

Report instances were research integrity is in question

Athletics Compliance Services and Risk Management

Texas Athletics - Report Issues or Concerns

University Ombuds Offices

Works to ensure that every voice can be heard and that every problem can receive an impartial review

Environmental Health and Safety

Report injuries or illnesses related to food and drinking water, laboratory incidents, or radiation/laser incidents. You can report incidents involving general property damage, and incidents involving hazardous spills both inside and out of the lab.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Report concerns regarding the care and treatment of animals used in research, teaching, or testing.